how to set goals and achieve them

How to Set Goals (and Achieve Them!) in the New Year

Goal setting is a long process, starting with consideration of what you want to achieve and ultimately committing to the work it takes to do so. Learning how to set goals and achieve them is a skill that can take years of practice to hone in on, but is worth the hard work!

Why You Should Set Personal Goals

Sense of direction – Understanding what you want in life and what it will take to get there gives you a clear sense of direction and a long-term plan for turning your dreams into reality.

See the bigger picture – Taking a step back to gain some perspective in life can help you realize what is truly important for you, helping to create a life filled with purpose and meaning.

Gain motivation – Setting realistic goals can help give you something to work towards and aspire to, ultimately motivating you to give it 100%.

Greater control of your future – Put yourself in the driver’s seat by acknowledging what you want out of life and what steps it will take to get there. This can empower you to take control!

Set yourself up for success in 2022 and start focusing on what is most important to you. Here is a simple guide on how to set goals and achieve them in the new year!

1. Set Goals That Are Important to You

Your goals should be meaningful to you – whatever that may look like. The more meaningful your goals are, the more achievement you will feel when you accomplish them. The purpose of setting these goals is to spur positive change, so being passionate about the direction you want to head is essential for success in the long run.

2. Make Sure Your Goals Are Specific

The more detailed you are in setting your goal, the more likely you will be to achieve it. The specificity can help you to create a concise plan for what needs to happen in order to reach your goal. 

For example, if your goal is to lose weight, that doesn’t necessarily give you a clear idea of what needs to happen. However, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds, you can easily determine that an hour of exercise per day, cutting out sweets and drinking more water will help you to achieve your goal.

3. Commit to (and Prioritize) Your Goals

Setting a goal is only half of the journey – the other half is to truly commit to the work that goes into it and make it a top priority in your life. Many people will write down their goal so that they can clearly outline what it is and what actions need to take place to achieve it. It’s also important to understand that accomplishing your goal isn’t an overnight process. You may not reach that point for weeks or even months, but as long as you are committed and make time in your life for the work required to reach your goal, it will happen – with one exception…

4. Set Goals You Can Control

If your goal is related to something that is totally outside of your control, it’s hard to say definitively whether you will be able to accomplish it. This can make for a challenging, sometimes impossible, goal to achieve. Be realistic about what you can (and can’t) be responsible for, and don’t be too hard on yourself for factors you can’t control. 

5. Reward Yourself for Achievements, Large or Small

Make sure you take time to celebrate success when you hit a personal achievement marker, whether it’s big or small. You’ve dedicated time and thought to this process, so any little bit of progress is worth being proud of. This helps to motivate you to keep going! Just make sure that your reward lines up with your goal – for example, if your goal is to lose weight, instead of eating a big piece of cake to celebrate a milestone, treat yourself to a massage or a new outfit instead. This will help you stay on track and continue in the right direction!

Cumberland Crossing by OceanView

Whether it’s committing to a new fitness program, continuing your education in a field you’re passionate about, or simply spending more time with loved ones, let Cumberland Crossing handle any additional stress so you can commit to your goals worry-free in the new year. 

Cumberland Crossing by Oceanview is an active retirement community located in beautiful Cumberland, Maine. Our cottages offer an inclusive monthly maintenance fee and 100% refundable deposit means that you can spend less time worrying about the burden of homeownership and spend more time enjoying your retirement! 

To learn more about our community, please contact us today!